Wednesday, April 28, 2010

CSS and Templates.

There are many advantages in using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Because CSS allows separation of content from presentation, it gives easy access and flexibility for changing things such as fonts, colours and layout. It also has advantages in page formatting, by changing just one line you are able to use a different style sheet for the same page. CSS also allows site wide consistency, which means that, when used effectively, site-wide elements can be affected by using a global style sheet. This makes it simple, easy and inexpensive to make changes to elements.

Another major advantage is that because of the separation method used by CSS, it can improve content accessibility. Accessibility means that the content is made accessible to as many people as possible. This is great for people who have disabilities, such as the sight impaired, as the content is able to be changed to sound. Accessibility is worth considering when creating web page design, as the content is able to reach as many people as possible. It also give an advantage to those with disabilities as they are able to access more web pages and larger amounts of information which would otherwise only be available to those without disabilities. It also means you web page content, ideas, business, service, thoughts, reach as wide a community as possible.

Many things can be changed using templates. Colours, font, background, sizes. Templates also hold some limitations, you are limited to few colours, patterns, layouts and fonts. By making changes using CSS you can singularly changes things and have more options and flexibility.

Using CSS I was able to change the colour of various items on my blog. I changed the boarder colour as well as the side by and subheadings text colour. By making these changes I was able to learn and I can now use this in the future to make changes to my web pages.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

MPI104 Assignment one blog post.

I have learnt a great deal since starting MPI104 this year.

I have learnt about HTML, links, tags, codes, the many uses of Google, including Google scholar and Google calendar, Flickr, Delicious, blogger and many other useful things.


I started with little knowledge of the inter workings of the internet and all I knew of HTML was that it was a bunch of letters and symbols. I have now realised that HTML is much more then that and have learnt how to compose HTML to create links and web pages, which I found extremely interesting. I am still developing my HTML skills but am finding it all very interesting. I have used tags with HTML within my blog the tags I have used defines the HTML document.


I have discovered many uses for Google also. Not only is it a search engine but also has many uses, such as a calendar for organising.


I have loved using blogger. I have 5 posts on my blog.

Here are some interesting posts:

Flickr thoughts

I played around with the aesthetics of my blog and changed the colours to more suit me. I used pinks and purples for boarders, and significant text and black for body text. I used a simple minima template and the fonts I used were Georgia and trebuchet.

I have made comments on both Prue’s and Alera’s blogs, here are links to the interesting comments:

Comment on Prue's blog

Comment on Alera's blog

I have also uploaded images onto blogger.

At first I was unsure of Delicious and wondered if I would actually use it often, but I have come to love and rely on it. I started by book marking some of my favourite websites and have now started book marking pages I visit regularly or that I find and love and know I will use again.

I have 14 bookmarked web pages.

All these pages are of interest to me. Many are fashion sites because I have a huge interest in fashion and design. There are also blogs I visit regularly and facts pages for Sweden as I am travelling there soon.

Links to my favourite three bookmarked webpages:

Elena Kalis
Alannah Hill


I had visited Flickr before but had never started my own page. I find I really like using Flickr as is offers inspiration and the prospect of someone seeing my photos and liking them it quite exciting.

I have 15 uploaded images on Flickr.

Links to my three favourite:


Monday, April 19, 2010

Flickr Flicker Flicker

I'm really starting to enjoy Flickr!
I'm starting to try to upload images every week or so and it's exciting that people can see my photos and see what I do.

Here is a link to a group of photos I just uploaded which I really like.

Random Sunny Day

My Flickr Account

Monday, April 12, 2010


I just got the internet back on after not having it for 2 weeks while moving house.
Here are some photos of the new view!